Targets (& change of approach) -- 22nd January 2019

Given my poor track record in keeping up with my Geography optional targets over the last couple of weeks, I'm going to change the order of things.

      1) Geography Optional (Make regional development strategies for the backward regions in India. Anyone wants to collaborate with me on the regional development strategies?)
      2) TLP questions in the evening.

What targets are you setting for yourselves today?

With fingers crossed and faith in my (dis)ability to keep up with my targets,

And oh! I just realized that I haven't been following TLP to the'T'. I'm yet to start writing the weekly essays. But you know what? TLP essays are way too specific & micro in their nature. Putting together sufficient content for TLP essays would take a hell lot of research & development effort. May good karma be with me and I start writing its essays from this weekend!
